Black and White Faith

Mar 22, 2017 | Devotionals

I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. – 1 Corinthians 9:22-23

In the snow culture, there are many ways to enjoy the mountain, but we often see the same patterns as we do in our faith. I often find myself uttering that my way of riding and enjoying the mountain is better than everyone else’s. I fail to remember the purpose of snow riding and the joy it brings throughout the pursuit of that purpose.

Our faith was never meant to be black and white, but God has given us freedom in Christ so that the Spirit may lead us in the pursuit of the Great Commission! Some days the Spirit may tell you something different from what He told you to do before. The question is: are you willing to listen?

Over the past four years, I have continued to learn more and more the steep differences between the human heart’s desires vs God’s desires. While there are many differences, it seems that one aspect that causes the most division in the church is our desire for control. I constantly find myself designing my faith to be black and white: this is right and that is wrong, relational evangelism is the only way to share Christ, turn and burn is the only way to evangelize, never do this, always do that. It’s like I want the Old Testament covenant of rules when there’s literally no way that I can ever follow it or be justified by it. I find myself wanting to live a black and white faith. I must remind myself how I’ve been justified and the purpose to which I’ve been justified for: the Great Commission.

Stop and read 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. If you can, give yourself some context to this verse. That’s gotta be where we start.

In this passage, Paul knows his purpose as a follower of Jesus, and he doesn’t allow himself to regulate the pursuit of that purpose! Paul knows that the Holy Spirit will guide him in his journey, and that he has been given freedom in Christ to become all to all in order that he might win some for Christ. His purpose stays the same, but the method of his pursuit is guided by the Spirit!


Does your pursuit of God’s purpose often look black and white?

Are you allowing room for the Holy Spirit to change the way you pursue God?

Are you even living a life in need of the Spirit? Or do you have it pretty under control without Him?


By Nathan Jenkins | Lincoln, NH


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